Sunday, May 22, 2011


i have a new craze.

ever since a year ago when i got a shiny new apartment all to myself and no one else, i have vehemently sworn off pets or roommates or plants or anything that depends on me and fucks up my shit. for the first time in my life, i had nice new things that had never been peed on or chewed up and i liked it. yes friends, i swore off pets FOREVER.

well, turns out FOREVER is about 14 months, because i find myself increasingly and disturbingly preoccupied with thoughts of anything with fur, feathers or soulful eyes. when no one is looking at work, i have long conversations in baby talk with Queenie the guinea pig. my friends Lindsay and David recently got into chicken husbandry so naturally this Saturday night where else was I but in the new coop hugging Medusa and Tater Tot. when I could catch them that is. chickens weren't really built for hugging and they seem to know it.

but as of today, my pet-love has finally found a more suitable target. and GET READY FOR THIS i have switched teams. YES this lifelong cat lover is wistfully fantasizing about dogs. specifically THIS DOG
yes, i'm one of those people getting a dog based on its appearance in a movie. the new(ish) TRON LEGACY featured--in addition to glacial pacing, gobs of eye makeup, and not one but TWO cg Jeff Bridges--a ridiculously adorable rescue dog named Marvin.


some researching online and i discover that Boston Terriers are not only dead sexy stylish with pop-art ready good looks, but also enormously popular due to being sweet, patient, cuddly, super smart, easily trained, good with kids, good with other animals AND quiet enough for apartment life.


and, since i'm having major technical difficulties getting my new blog off the ground (yes ANOTHER one, but it is so cool you will forget all about this one as soon as i figure out how to get it into the internet), i have nothing better to blog than ONE BOSTON TERRIER VIDEO A DAY.

this should keep me busy for a while. there are a lot of cute boston terrier videos on YouTube. I should know. I've been watching them ALL DAY.

Video #1: Boston Terriers have big heads and tiny butts. (trivia: this is why the puppies often must be delivered by cesarean. yeouch!)

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